Monday, August 25, 2008

Jaiku powered by Google App Engine

Google is ready to LAUNCH Jaiku on Google App Engine. Jaiku is a social networking, micro-blogging and lifestreaming service comparable to Twitter. Jaiku was founded in February 2006 by Jyri Engeström[2] and Petteri Koponen from Finland and launched in July of that year. It was purchased by Google on October 9, 2007.It was down from very long time just after the acquisition by Google. Users thinking that the Google forgot the service. Presently it is showing the message:

Folks, we're offline for the weekend for server maintenance.Now's a good time to talk to someone you love.

Now, it is time to DANCE. But it has taken so long period to start as Twitter is the only near and dear rival of jaiku so it given chance to tiwiter to EXPLORE the possibilities.....

But I think there is very short time remaing when we'll see new jaiku, may be services will be changed aur not, but now it will be powered by Google backbone, which give us more relability an security.

For a proof just try traceroute (TRACERT) command or click here. The end of ROUTE will at Google server only.

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